..........breathe in this feeling

..........breathe in this feeling

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Red Wine and Cheese before Bed time

Miles from my home.
My style has G.R.O.W.N.
i NEED a man on his shit who can kinda H.A.N.D.L.E it
Maybe just maybe I recently found you.
Or maybe this is my time.
To shine on the solo flex.
I don't ask alot but fuck up and yeah.......I move to the N.E.X.T
I can write in rhyme for days.....my brain is abstract like that
but ask me to do a tax return or invoice........yo, im utterly L.A.M.E
So that's why i surround myself with my Mermaid Mob
I bring some colour, they can actually do the J.O.B
i'M HECTIC AS HELL HURTLING at 100km an hour
but thats just daily life for me
and maybe part of that madness can be harnessed in a Warhol esq P.O.W.E.R.
Next verse, is she an internet ho?
I run my body as an extension of my A.R.T
and I sell this brand of crazy kooky to let others know
"Beauty" comes in all shapes and forms
and P.A.R.T
physicality, yeah thats there,
but if you have an intellect and a lil flare
girl.........you hotter then a runway strutter right T.H.E.R.E.
Third lyrical flex.....stay with me, there wont be a next
But i also wanna say
I own my sexuality and I don't post this shit as a game.
So to all the females thinkin' stick to 3rd date rule, pretend you don't have a libido and feel you have to conform to outdated ideals on sexuality.....
The arcaic Christian view......
Girl.....just be real to you, your body and your self and do Y.O.U

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